Draw Mobius Strip With Generalized Helicoid

Posted by Fantasy Wang on May 1, 2018

Today, I did some research about Generalized Helicoid. I will try to draw Mobius Strip by this tech in OpenGL.

The Key Theory
  • Create a profile curve
  • Create a sweep curve
  • Sweep the profile curve along the sweep curve, the swept area is the generated surface.
Some Try

First, I created a rect prfile curve. Then, I try to create the whole Mobius Strip sweep curve by a group of bezier curves. roughbeziersweep However, the result is not satisfying. roughmobius If I need to create a smooth Mobius Strip, I should create a more accuracy mobius bezier curve group.

The Final Solution

Finally, I just created a circle profile curve by bezier curve group, and rotate the profile curve during the sweep stage by interplating. Then I got a better Mobius Strip. circleControlPoint mobius1

More Mobius Strips

By modifying profile curve rotating interplating function, I can get more interesting Mobius Strips. mobius2 mobius3