Fantasy Wang Blog

Coding Life Philosophy.

Physics Simulation Based On Runge–Kutta methods

Today, I implemented a simple cloth physics system. It’s just a particle group connected by springs. The position and speed of mesh vertex are calculated by fourth order Runge–Kutta methods. Here ...

Draw Mobius Strip With Generalized Helicoid

Today, I did some research about Generalized Helicoid. I will try to draw Mobius Strip by this tech in OpenGL. The Key Theory Create a profile curve Create a sweep curve Sweep the profile c...

Quadric Error Metrics Practice In Unity

In rencent days, I researched a mesh simplification algorithm Surface Simplification Using Quadric Error Metrics I will not talk about the details of this algorithm here. In short, the algorit...

Raytracing Practice In Unity(Part Two)

Detail Explanation

In this part, I will talk about the details in my unity SmallPt based on David Cline’s ppt. The Algorithm Steps For each fragment, send a camera-to-screenpoint ray. This ray hits the first ob...

Raytracing Practice In Unity(Part One)


In this week, I researched SmallPt. It’s a kind of Global Illumination by raytracing. So I use Zavis’s implementation as a reference and implement a Unity version of SmallPt. Here is my rendering ...

Volume Rendering Practice In Unity(Part Three)

Volume Terrain

In this final part of volome rendering practice, I will try to render a simple terrain with raymarching. Getting Ready As we talked in previous two posts, we can use SDF to describe a shape. Now t...

Volume Rendering Practice In Unity(Part Two)

Deeper Research About Shading

In the first part of Volume Rendering Practice In Unity, we introduced the basic theory of RayMarching Distance Field and created some basic shape using that theory. However, we only implement a si...

Volume Rendering Practice In Unity(Part One)

Raymarching Distance Field

In traditional rendering pipeline, we just post preset vertices to gpu and get what shape we want. However, these triangles seem to be sharp and cold. When we want to draw a sphere, we need to crea...